Tuesday, March 8, 2011

dc sunrise in 25 steps

Sunrises are some of the most shot events because they are so beautiful. I wanted to make something special out of the sunrise on 2 March so right before the scheduled sunrise time of 6:40 am I started taking a series of 6 pictures to make one HDR, and I essentially kept going until the sun had risen far enough to my liking.
In order to take those 6 shots, I took two sets of 3 shots, one centered at -1Ev (-1, -2, 0) and the other centered at +1Ev (+1, 0, +2), so I was essentially shooting and switching the setting nonstop. The first shot was taken at 6:38, the last one at 6:45.
I processed all the HDR pictures using 5 of the pictures from each set of 6, and I used my software of choice, Nik HDR Efex Pro. I then used Photoshop CS5 to arrange this collage...


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

from Lincoln Memorial to Washington Monument

I've posted this panoramic on flickr, feel free to check it out in its largest size (7300 X 1000 pixels)!

from Lincoln Memorial to Washington Monument

I was walking around the Mall during the evening of Thursday 3 March hoping to get some sunset pictures of my favorite monument, the Lincoln Memorial. But with an overcast sky, and with the reflecting pool empty and undergoing maintenance, I had to look for other pictures to take.
All of a sudden I was standing across from the White House in between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. I gladly accepted the challenge presented to me at that moment to capture this scene in one panoramic shot, and what is better than a regular panoramic? An HDR panoramic of course!
To produce this panoramic, I set up my tripod and proceeded to take 9 bracketed shots (-2, 0, +2), beginning to the left of the Lincoln Memorial and ending to the right of the Washington Monument. I ensured there was about 1/3 overlap between the pictures.
I processed each HDR shot first using Nik HDR Efex Pro, and I stitched all 9 shots together using Photoshop CS5.
Behold and enjoy!